Artists In Schools & Communities Sponsor Application
Sponsoring School or Organization:
UEI Number:
Address (Street, Rural Route, or P.O.Box):
City / Town:  State:    
Project Director (Contact Person):
E-mail Address:
Facility Telephone: - -
Daytime Telephone: - -
Evening or Message Phone: - -
Alternate Contact Person:
Daytime / Cell Phone: - -
E-mail Address:
Preferred Dates Of Residency: To:  
Alternate Date Preference: To:  
In order of preference, list the three (3) artists of most interest to you:
1.  Residency Length: 
Other residency length (in weeks):  
2.  Residency Length: 
Other residency length (in weeks):  
3.  Residency Length: 
Other residency length (in weeks):  
All Artists in Schools & Communities Residencies require a Core Group. A core group consists of a single classroom, grade level, or another group of selected students meeting with the artist on a regular basis during a residency. Please answer the following questions as they pertain to your planned CORE GROUP.
Grade or Age Level of Core Group:
Number of Students/Participants in Core Group:
Describe your plan for how your Core Group(s) of students/participants will engage with the artist-in-residence:
Describe your plan to expand residency activities throughout your school or community beyond the core group of participants:
Indicate Source of Matching Funds:

AGREEMENT: As the Sponsor's authorized representative, I agree to the following provisions governing the Artists In Schools & Communities Program: