Frequently Asked Questions
Q) Who can apply for State Arts Council grants and funding?
A) Nonprofit organizations designated as federally tax-exempt under the IRS Section 501(c)(3), units of government and private/public schools. Individual artists may apply, but they cannot be students at time of application.
Q) What is the size of a State Arts Council grant?
A) Grants normally range from $500 to $5,000. Grants must be matched by money from the applicant except for Artist Collaboration Grants, Artist Grants, and Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grants. Arts Challenge Grants that are awarded to SD's largest cultural organizations are currently between $4,000 to $40,000.
Q) Is there a published booklet listing Arts Festivals and Pow Wows available?
A) The Arts Festival and Powwows booklet is no longer published, but an Arts Festivals Directory is available on the SDAC website. There is also a link to the Department of Tribal Relations for a listing of Powwows.
Q) Does the State Arts Council have a newsletter?
A) Yes, titled "Arts Alive" and is mailed three times a year. Contact our office for more information.
Q) Is technical assistance available for arts management issues and grants writing?
A) Yes, Arts Council staff will be happy to assist with information about arts education, touring arts, individual artists, grant writing, and other arts related topics. Please contact Patrick Baker (specifically arts education, individual artists, grant writing).
On-site technical assistance also is available through Technical Assistance Teams. The TAG program matches in-state, trained arts managers to work with organizations at the local level in several areas such as board development, fund raising, long-range planning, marketing, etc. For information contact our office.
Q) Who can sponsor an Artists-in-Schools & Communities residency?
A: Residencies can be sponsored by schools districts, Parent Teacher Associations, school/business partners, local arts councils, student activity funds, federal and foundation grant programs.
Q) What is the cost to the sponsors of an Artists-in-Schools & Communities residency?
A) Residencies with a single artist cost $800 per week. Multi-artist residencies cost $1,300 per week.