Artist is holding two birds, with several hoops and three birds on a mat in front.Dallas Chief Eagle Jr. is a K-12 art teacher with a Master’s degree in guidance counseling and personal services. A recognized master of the Lakota hoop dance, Chief Eagle has worked as an artist in-residence and mentor through his Hoop dance studio in the All Nations Gathering Center on the Pine Ridge Reservation. A member of the Rosebud Lakota Nation, Chief Eagle shares and teaches the traditional hoop dance in a manner that the students enjoy while learning about the development of their own characters.
Chief Eagle will also introduce Grandpa Rock to the students while they sit around a buffalo robe. Each day core students will experience Grandpa Rock exercises that improve self-awareness and management skills. These Grandpa Rock exercises have proven to replace the burdens of pain, confusion and suffering with peace, compassion and joy. The finale of the residency is a school assembly or public performance during which core groups demonstrate the skills they acquired throughout the week.

Grade Levels: K-12, College and Adults
Contact: Dallas Chief Eagle
BOX 584., Martin, SD 57551
phone: (605) 455-1805, cell phone: (605) 407-0677
Email: dchiefe@gwtc.net

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