Linda Bruning is a professional actress, director, and Master Teaching Artist with 35 years of experience. Linda has worked with professional theaters, community theaters, colleges and schools across the United States and Canada. She has a BA in theater from Yankton College, an applied master’s degree in arts integration in education and an MS in Educational Leadership in Technology. She is also certified by Lifetime Arts to teach creative aging programs in theater. Linda was the theater consultant and teacher for Mastering the Arts, a four-year arts integration pilot program for teachers through Wayne State College as well as a four-year program for teachers, Integrating the Arts, through ISU2 in Fremont, NE. She developed the first online education theater class for Minnesota High School students. For 4 years, Ms. Bruning was the Midwest contributing writer for the national professional magazine Teaching Artist Journal. With her work as a residency artist, Linda seeks to promote a love and understanding of the arts, teach problem solving, creative thinking, and enrich lives. She has a new program using creative dramatics to teach social emotional learning skills. In addition, Linda has an extensive background working with special needs students and will differentiate activities as needed. She is especially interested in reaching smaller communities or rural areas that have limited access to the arts.
Residency program options:
Puppets Take the Stage - In this weeklong residency program students will make three different kinds of puppets based on characters from a story they have studied or are studying in their classroom. After creating their puppets, they will use a professional puppet theater to retell the story, from their puppet’s perspective to a classroom audience.
SEL Creative Dramatics - A weeklong residency that uses creative dramatics, improvisation, and theater games to strengthen imagination, critical thinking, teamwork, self-expression, and problem solving while incorporating the tenets of Social Emotional Learning life skills.
Literature Live - This two-week residency brings literature to life on stage. Participants will learn basic acting skills while they rehearse a piece of adapted literature for a final performance. Emphasis will be on acting and presentation using minimal props and costumes.
The Story of My Life: A Creative Aging Program - Young at heart participants will create a performance using monologues, movement, and acting. Each participant will write a monologue based on a transforming, pivotal or fond memory from their lives. These monologues will be the basis for a script to create a final performance for family, friends and community.
Ages: K-Adult
Phone: 763-482-3974