Vickie Fuller has been an educator for over 35 years. Her teaching experience is apparent in her residencies which offer arts-integrated lessons utilizing theater activities. Fuller’s goal is to leave your students with a skill they can use throughout the year. Residency options include:
For elementary students
1.) CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT….Expand your creativity while learning about appropriate body language and proper tone of voice
2.) CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS…. The students are introduced to a theatre activities that can be integrated into a variety of lesson plans throughout the year. The exercises will activate the students' creativity and cooperation skills.
3.) SOCIAL ISSUES….Having trouble with bullies in your classroom? Let me know what kind of issues you are dealing with. I have scripts and raps that discuss bullying issues that I would be happy to share. We can choose the one that best relates to challenges you are facing.
4.) PERFORMANCE OPTION...Choose from numerous scripts dealing with bullying, character counts, Dr. Suess, or your own classroom creation. In five days, I can have FOUR classrooms perform a 25-30 minute show for the entire school.
5.) ORAL FLUENCY...For younger kids we can focus on punctuation and how that changes our voice. For older kids the focus becomes how to read expressively.
For Middle School
ORAL INTERPRETATION...Reading aloud in class can often times be painful for readers and listeners alike. Basic acting techniques will provide the students with easy ways to make the words come alive. This residency was created through a workshop with the Kennedy Center.
For High School
1.) Shakespeare… Fuller uses her 15 years of performing Shakespeare to help students take the fear out of reading the Bard.
2.) One Act Play… As a former director and judge, Fuller knows how to help your students improve their performance
3.) Oral Interpretation…Vickie shares with students what she looks for as a judge. She can work with your students individually or in a group setting.
An alumnus of SDSU theater, Vickie Fuller has performed with such groups as Prairie Repertory Theatre, the Black Hills Playhouse, and Bare Bodkins Theatre. She has a current teaching certification in Pennsylvania. Her extensive experience as an educator, actor and director will inspire creativity in your students.
Limited availability - please contact artist before applying.
Grade levels: Pre-K-12
Contact: Vickie Fuller
phone: 605-201-5573