A person wearing a green jacket and holding a guitar stands outdoors in a grassy field with rocky hills and trees in the background.Folk singer/songwriter Jami Lynn Buttke first gained an appreciation for music on a small stage in Peever, SD. An avid performer of bluegrass and folk music, Jami brings her exuberance and musical talent into the classroom and onto the stage. During residencies, students will explore South Dakota history through local folksong, games, and storytelling. Cowboy ballads and mining songs from western South Dakota, and lumbering tunes and frontier songs from Eastern South Dakota and Minnesota will teach students the diverse experiences of settlers in the Midwest, and the impact they had on the land, wildlife, and people that had long inhabited the prairie before them.

Presentations/workshops will encourage hands-on participation through singing, song-writing and instrument crafts. Important historical events will accompany songs and folk games played by early South Dakota settlers. By the end of a residency, students will have a greater connection to the folk traditions of early South Dakotan settlers, and a new repertoire of songs and games to share with friends and family.

Jami Lynn is a graduate of The University of South Dakota, and has shared her talent and love of local folk history with audiences across the Midwest, Southeast, and Pacific Northwest. She has also released three full-length albums of folk songs and originals.

Contact: Jami Buttke
Phone: (605) 949-0238
Email: jamilynnmusic@gmail.com
Website: www.jamilynnmusic.com

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