Artists In Schools & Communities (AISC) is a residency program for K-12 schools and community organizations, with matching funds from the South Dakota Arts Council (SDAC). Artists In Schools & Communities residencies range in length from one week to a full school year. A project can be designed to fit all elementary through secondary school needs regardless of size, locale, or existing arts curriculum. Residencies can also be designed for the community at large. By working with teachers, parents and the community, an artist will create a residency that can inspire participants to learn more, not just about art, but life itself. These artists share their talents with students of all ages in workshops, demonstrations, seminars and residencies both in and outside the classroom.
Even though a residency may last only a short time, participation in AISC can have lasting results. Artists can help teachers further develop arts curriculum and creative teaching of the arts and assist communities in the development of life-long learning experiences for people of all ages. The entire school system and community benefit by strengthening their joint commitment to the arts as basic to education.
Artists In Schools & Communities are professionals, selected by panels of in-state and out-of-state experts who evaluate the quality of the artists’ work. An Arts-In-Education Panel reviews the background experience that qualifies each artist to work in an education setting. Finally, the artists are approved by the SDAC.