A person wearing a red sweater sculpts a human figure in an art studio, surrounded by reference images of sculptures.“Tenyoh” offers a rich learning experience for all levels of students. This Japanese sculptor will guide and inspire students with demonstrations and clear explanations until what they envision takes shape in clay. Playing with the natural elements of clay is deeply soothing. Students will learn to focus and quiet their minds while their hands create.

1. Figure Sculpting (Grade 9 – Adult)
Let’s go beyond the conventional approach to clay hand-building, through exploration of hollow-building and portrait sculpting. This workshop is packed with essential knowledge as students begin sculpting independently. Unconventional techniques, such as metal incorporation into ceramics, will be shared. Each student will produce 2-3 sculptures. Prior hand-building experience is recommended.

In order to give individual attention to each student, groups no larger than 12 are preferred.

Finished pieces will need to be fired by facility staff approximately 2 weeks after the completion of the residency.

Follow the link to see student work: http://www.tenyoh.com/my-thoughts/sculpting-class-figuring-it-out

2. Intermediate Hand-Building (Grade 6 – Adult)
This workshop is for those who are familiar with basic hand-building techniques. Students will learn to craft simple figurines (anime characters and animals) and surface decoration (deliberate crack formation and colored clay mixing). Students will produce several functional items and a figurine. Groups no larger than 20 are preferred. Glaze-firing can be coordinated during the residency.

3. Basic Hand-Building (All Ages)
Learn 3 basic ceramic clay hand-building techniques (pinch, coil, and slab), while making functional-ware. Groups no larger than 20 are preferred. Glaze-firing can be coordinated during the residency.

It is necessary for facilities offering this residency to have access to a kiln and a slab roller. Projects that students will be engaged in will determine the required materials and tools.

In Rapid City, Tenyoh has been teaching ceramic hand-building classes to adults and teens at the Dahl Arts Center since 2016 and at the Suzie Cappa Art Center.

Contact: “Tenyoh”
Phone: 605-787-1099
Email: tenyohcreations@gmail.com
Website: tenyoh.com

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