BOB H. MILLERArtist wearing a light-colored shirt, with various objects in the background including a hanging light fixture and a sign with text that is not fully visible.

Bob H. Miller has always had an interest in science and technology and their role in image making.  The office copy machine, Polaroid instant photography, pinhole cameras and products designed for office and industrial use have played a significant part in his development as an artist.  Miller incorporates the theories and tools of science into his residencies, using fundamental drawing and painting instruction along with animation projects and, most importantly, personal idea generation and creativity.

Bob has worked with students in South Dakota since 1980 through the Artist in Schools and Communities program. 

A diverse and prolific fulltime studio artist, Miller was included in the prestigious “American Perspectives” exhibit which toured Japan for two years debuting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography.

Recent work featuring his “reflecto” collages were featured at the Ruddel Gallery at Black Hills State University in 2018.  More of his “reflecto” work will be on display at the Mobile Museum of Art in Mobile, AL the entire year of 2019.  This work is large scale collage on panel using the material Scotchlite which is manufactured primarily for traffic signs.  A truly unique gallery experience.  The work, displayed in total darkness with viewers wearing headlamps causing the work to radiate saturated illuminated color.

You will find videos of Bob and his process online at any of the following links (each video is about 4 minutes long)

Grade levels: Primarily K-6 but will consider 7-12.
Two Workshops offered: Creative Thinking , Drawing in Sequence and Paper Animation

Black Light Art (making art that fluoresces under an ultraviolet light using drawing, painting and paper collage projects.) Kids LOVE this!

Bob H. Miller
401 South Street
Rapid City, SD 57701

Miller welcomes calls with your questions regarding materials, room requirements and anything else of concern.

Contact: Bob H Miller
401 South St., Rapid City, SD 57701
phone: 605-716-9784

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