A Native American visual artist working in metalsmithing, acrylic oil painting, bronze designs and pottery forms, Randall Blaze draws inspiration from his people’s ancestral designs. His goal is to help to record and integrate visual elements of the Lakota Nation into the contemporary mainstream of the world around us. His residencies will familiarize students with the process of creating, firing and finishing clay designs, as well as the processes of acrylic painting. He is the 2006 recipient of first place awards in sculpture from the Indian Arts and Crafts Association and in ceramics from the Northern Plains Indian Market and the 2005 first place winner in contemporary ceramics at the Santa Fe Indian Market. Blaze hopes to be a model of expertise and an inspiration to students interested in developing a working knowledge of various artistic media.

Randall Blaze
HC 57, Box 20
Buffalo Gap, SD 57722

North Side of Cuny Table Road [BIA Highway 2]
Located west of BIA Highway 27 and east of BIA Highway 41
Buffalo Gap, SD 57722

phone: 605-441-9790

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