Artists In Schools & Communities Sponsor Information
Artists In Schools & Communities (AISC) grants provide professional artists to schools and other South Dakota nonprofit community organizations to encourage and supplement the arts in educational settings and foster positive community development through life-long learning experiences in the arts.
Artists In Schools & Communities is designed to:
- Provide students and communities an opportunity to work with and learn from a professional artist.
- Assist in the development of a school/community commitment to the arts as basic to education and life-long learning.
- Serve teachers by providing a resource person in a specific arts discipline who can help develop methods of creative teaching and assist schools and teachers in meeting educational content standards.
- Serve communities by providing artists to assist with community betterment, i.e. artistic and environmental design projects, theater residencies, murals, classes and workshops, etc.
- Support individual artists by providing time during the residency to pursue their own artistic development.
Visit for more information on the Artists In Schools & Communities program.