Arts Opportunity Grant

Please note, SDAC funds may be granted only to eligible organizational subrecipients:


Arts Opportunity Grants are interim grants designed to assist organizations present specific arts activities that arise as sudden opportunities during the course of the grant year and for which they could not meet the regular March 1 application deadline. Grants normally fund one-time events which are not part of the organization’s regular season of activities.

Grant Amount

No more than 50% of the total project costs, up to a maximum of $1,000, may be requested from the Arts Council. Grants must be matched at least dollar for dollar by the applicant. In many cases, approved grant requests will be fully funded. Sometimes, however, grant approval will be for less than the amount requested. The final payment (10% of the grant amount) will be withheld until receipt of the grant evaluation.

Organizations may apply for more than one Arts Opportunity Grant; however, no more than $1,000 will be awarded to any organization within a fiscal year.

Eligible / Ineligible

  • Colleges and universities are not eligible to apply.
  • Statewide Services Grant recipients are not eligible to apply.

This grant is designed primarily for organizations that are not current SDAC grant recipients; however, organizations receiving Arts Challenge, Importation of Musicians, and Project grant support will be granted an exception and considered for funding if, and only if, they meet the following condition: the special, one-time project for which funds are sought falls outside the scope of an organization’s usual and customary activities. Arts Challenge grant recipients, in particular, must specifically address in the grant narrative, why the proposed activity is uniquely different from the organization’s normal season of events.


All materials must be postmarked at least 30 days prior to the beginning date of the proposed activity.

Criteria for Awarding Grants

Applications are reviewed by staff with consideration given to:

  • Eligibility of both the project and the organization.
  • Complete description of the project.
  • Contribution to overall quality of the arts in applicant’s community or region.
  • Indication of need for SDAC support.
  • Realistic budget showing a strong commitment by the organization and cash support from other public and private sources.

Application Procedure

Applicant must submit one copy of the following:

         1. Apply online [application linked here]. Reach out to staff with any questions [staff list linked here].

    •       Before completing the application form, read the Glossary and Grant Application Codes .
    •      A brief summary of the proposed activity should be supplied on the bottom of the page in the space provided.
    •      Sign and date the bottom of the page

       2. In addition to the application form itself, you should submit a grant narrative in which you:

      • Write a complete description of the project. What specifically are you asking the Arts Council to fund?
        If applicable, be sure to address the eligibility issue explained above under “Eligible / Ineligible.”
      • Explain how the project will contribute to the overall quality of the arts in your community or region.
        Explain the need for SDAC support.
      • Show a strong commitment to the project by the organization and cash support from other public and private sources. (This should also be evident from the budget page you submit.)

Grant Evaluations Forms are due 30 days after the ending date of the Arts Opportunity Grant activity.Information required
on the Evaluation Form includes description and comments on the activity, a rating (with explanation) of program attended,
actual number of individuals benefiting, and financial report.

Subsequent grants are dependent upon receipt of completed evaluation reports.

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